Monday, January 15, 2007

Extreme Persuasion Strategies That Will Make Your Prospects Feel Compelled To Act Now!

Copyright © 2006 Quick Turn Marketing International, Ltd.

Question: What's an easy way to deal with lingering doubts and questions about an offer with the best ways to create urgency and compel people to act now?

As any good copywriter or marketer will tell you, overcoming resistance is essential to closing a sale. And as any successful copywriter or marketer may keep secret, there are essentially 5 foolproof ways to create a sense of urgency.

1) Limited Time
Time waits for no man, and neither should your offer.
Set a time limit to send a clear message that says, 'You must act NOW.' Be sure to state a very specific deadline. Dont say 'This offer will expire soon.'

Do say, 'This offer will expire on July 20, 2004' or 'This offer will expire at midnight on June 12th' or 'This offer will expire in 10 days.' I think you know what I mean.

2) Limited Quantity
What do diamonds, vintage wine, and a triple-play in baseball have in common? They're valuable because they exist in limited quantity. Give your 'Widget' the same value by advertising that only a limited number of these Widgets were produced. Or say that only a
limited number of these Widgets will be sold.

Again, be very specific. The above example should really read: 'Only 341 of these Widgets will be sold at this special 38%-off discount price.'

For a double-whammy, add a little financial incentive to your limited quantity offer: 'Only a limited number of these Widgets will be sold at THIS special price' or 'Only a limited number of these FREE BONUES will be given out.'

3) Exclusivity
People want to feel special and like they're getting something that other people aren't. Thats why the 'golf club members only' deal work so well...

4) Superiority
I've got an ego, you've got an ego, and you can bet your sales message that your prospect has an ego. Appeal to it with offers that say, 'This deal is ONLY for action takers.' and 'This deal is ONLY for successful people.'

5) Popularity
People like things that are popular and they trust what other people like... even if they don't know those people. It's the reason that restaurateurs always put customers in the front windows... you don't want a prospective diner looking in on a bunch of empty seats...

People like to be part of the 'popular crowd' and they also don't want to experience the pain of being on the outside looking in. So stir up the pain and remind your visitors what they will miss out or lose if they dont act now.

These two tactics are a one-two punch that will knock consumers right out of their lethargy and right into your offer.

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A former college dropout, Dan Lok transformed himself from a grocery bagger in a local supermarket to a multi-millionaire. Dan came to North America with little knowledge of the English language and few contacts. Today, Dan is one of the most sought-after business
mentors on the Web, as well as a best-selling author. His reputation includes his title as the World's #1 Website Conversion Expert. To find out what Dan is
up to now, visit him at:

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