Copyright © 2006 Quick Turn Marketing International, Ltd.
Dear Friend & Subscriber,
It’s getting very hot in Vancouver.
I’m swimming like 3 times a week now. Feels good and COOL to be in the water. Plus, I’ve lost 5 lbs since I started swimming again a month ago!
I usually like to go to the pool in the evening... fewer kids and parents... less interruption... more
room to "splash at will."
Currently, I can swim the pool back and forth 20 times without stopping or taking a rest... my goal is to bump that number up to 30 times... and my ulterior motive is to live until I'm 100+.
Cheer for me, will ya?
Anyway, let’s get back on track here...
If you want your sales letters to be super-magnets, with messages so compelling that your prospects' eyes are glued to every word, if you want to achieve the "can't look away" pull of a car accident... then you're going to love this issue of the Rant.
In it, you're going to learn exactly how to create your own "grab 'em, hold 'em, and never let 'em go sales letters... and I'm going to be your teacher.
There are lots of ways to capture someone's attention. Stand on the street corner and scream "Hey" at people, and you'll have their undivided attention…but only for a moment.
The biggest challenge in crafting an effective sales letter is keeping your prospect involved... engaged... reading. If you forget for a moment to emphasize the "What's in it for you" nature of your offer, your prospects will tune out, turn off, throw your direct mail piece in the trash or remove your web sales page from their "Favorites" list.
Your sales letter can't just get a prospect interested... it has to keep the prospect interested…until you make the sale!
"Ah yes, Dan, but how?"
Well, my eager student, to get your prospects to arrive at "Buy Street," you need to lead them step by step through all the benefits they'll receive from taking advantage of your offer…overcoming every possible objection they might raise before it sidetracks their interest.
"Ah yes, Dan, but how?"
Inquisitive, aren't you (...if not a little repetitive)? Excellent. I like curious question-askers. People with the heart of an explorer like you usually end up with the bank account of a sultan... like me! (Excuse me for a moment while I lasso my ego... it's on the loose again.)
Okay, back to YOU.
It's time for you to learn an age-old strategy... but in a brand new way.
Have you ever heard of a "Bucklet Brigade?" It was a serious of people who passed buckets of water continuously from one to another in order to put out a fire.
Well your Bucket Brigade is going to light a fire -- a sales inferno -- under your prospect's butt... And it will keep turning up the heat bit by bit until they're burning with desire to buy, Buy, BUY.
What exactly is a “Bucket Brigade”?
They’re simply phrases and words that “join” together paragraphs in your sales copy. Don’t overlook these "covert operatives" that secretly (but very effectively) keep your reader "in the loop."
Your sales pitch needs to be seamless so that your prospect never has a chance to "slip out" the sides. They can only go one way -- forward to your sales offer.
A good "Bucket Brigade" is a series of miniature “cliff hangers” that literally suck your prospects in your copy and keep them reading until they buy!
There are a probably a million different ways to get from Point A to Point B to Point Sold, so to save you time and testing, I've compiled a list of 101 Proven “Bucket Brigade” Superstars for you.
They've got the muscle you need to hold on to your readers until the job (selling!) is done.
1. As you carefully scan each and every word of this page…
2. As you may have noticed…
3. Aside from that, one thing's for sure
4. And that doesn't take into account the fact that…
5. And here’s some great news for you:
6. And to prove it, here is…
7. A word of caution:
8. Astonishing, isn’t it?
9. And remember…
10. And that’s not all…
11. And best of all…
12. And what’s worse…
13. But before I jump into the details, let me say this…
14. Back to what I was saying...
15. But don't take my word for it…
16. But I must let you in on a secret...
17. Before we go any further, I want to set something straight…
18. But you're still unsure? You'd rather be safe than sorry?
19. But what if you could...
20. But make no mistake about it…
21. But wait, it didn't stop there...
22. But if you're still not convinced, let me SWEETEN the deal for you...
23. Bear with me, because I'm going to show you how…
24. But there is just one small catch...
25. But more on that later…
26. But that's not all... Far from it!
27. But you know what else?
28. But wait! You have seen NOTHING yet...
29. Bottom line is…
30. But how do you know if (Insert Your Product Name) is for you?
31. But it doesn't stop there, either.
32. But don't worry...
33. Consider this:
34. Can this be true?
35. Can you imagine how great that feels?
36. Can you really afford not to….
37. Do you follow me so far?
38. Does this make sense to you?
39. Don’t forget…
40. For example…
41. For instance…
42. Fair enough?
43. Here's the real kicker:
44. Here's the story:
45. Here's something you probably don't know about...
46. Heck, you don’t even need…
47. Here are some examples...
48. However, the problem is…
49. How can you beat that?
50. Hang on to your seat because…
51. Have you heard enough?
52. Here’s what else I’ll do for you…
53. How?
54. I'm not kidding…
55. If you think it's nothing, think again…
56. I know, you're probably skeptical. Right?
57. I can't stress this enough...
58. In the next 5 minutes…
59. In truth…
60. It all comes down to this...
61. Just imagine…
62. Just let this sink in for a minute...
63. Let me ask you this question…
64. Let’s face it…
65. Look at it this way...
66. Let me show you exactly how this works:
67. Let me explain...
68. Let me give you a bit of an idea of…
69. Let me show you how dead serious I am…
70. Let me be a bit more specific…
71. Let me just quickly recap…
72. Listen, I'm not kidding around…
73. Now, you’re probably wondering…
74. Now, tell me...
75. OK, I'm nearly done, but…
76. OK, let me repeat that…
77. OK, I know what you’re thinking…
78. OK. You might be asking…
79. Reality is…
80. Seriously, put some thought into this…
81. Still not convinced?
82. So instead of wishful thinking...
83. So, here's what else is in store for you…
84. So hang on while I explain...
85. Think about it…
86. The fact is…
87. The best part is that…
88. To top it off…
89. That's just the tip of the iceberg
90. There’s a saying…
91. This is really cool…
92. The result?
93. Why?
94. What does all this mean to you?
95. What’s more…
96. Want to see how it works right now?
97. What makes this so special?
98. Want proof?
99. You see…
100. You’re going to love this…
101. Yes, you read that right...
My List is just step-one in creating Your List.
There’re a lot more buckets you can add to your brigade. In fact, whenever you're "hooked" by someone else's transition phrases, you should jot them down and “save” them in your swipe file.
You know I advocate testing. So once you finish your first draft of a sales letter, read it out loud, go back and really examine the transition sections.
If the flow isn't smooth as silk... sprinkle a couple of these “Bucket Brigades” throughout the copy... you’ll be amazed at the effects it will have!
Dan Lok
P.S. You should also ask a friend to read the copy out loud to you. This is an eye-opening way find if there’re any glitches. Good copy should sound a lot like a killer infomercials... compelling to grab your attention at 2AM and seamless enough that you don't go to bed until AFTER you've placed your order.
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A former college dropout, Dan Lok transformed himself from a grocery bagger in a local supermarket to a multi-millionaire. Today, Dan is one of the most sought-after business mentors on the Web, as well as a best-selling author. His reputation includes his title as the World's #1 Website Conversion Expert.
To find out what Dan is up to now, visit him at: